Low-cost Wellness, Spay/Neuter and Vaccine Clinics
HOPE Animal Foundation: Spay/Neuter, Vaccine and Wellness Clinic
5490 W. Spruce Ave. Fresno, CA 93722, (559) 271-0209, reception@hopeaf.com, www.hopeaf.com
Morning Walk-in Hours are Monday – Thursday, 7:30am – 12:00pm
Early arrival is encouraged to ensure availability
Wellness exams are limited to 1 pet per family per day
Afternoon appointments are available Monday – Thursday, 1:00pm – 5:00pm
Monday – Thursday, 10:00am – 12:00pm and 1:00pm – 4:00pm
By appointment only! Make an appointment HERE
By appointment only! Make an appointment HERE
See surgery requirements and more information HERE
Find special pricing and promotions HERE
CCSPCA: Vaccine and Spay/Neuter Clinic (Wellness coming soon)
103 S. Hughes Ave. Fresno, CA 93706, (559) 237-1125, spayneuter@ccspca.com
Find price lists HERE
Valley Animal Center: Vaccine and Wellness Clinic
3934 N Hayston Ave Fresno, CA 93726, (559) 233-8706, clinic@valleyanimal.org
Appointments are available on a walk-in basis Monday through Friday from 9:00 am-11:30 pm and 1:00 pm-5:00pm.
Appointments are $45. Please call (559) 233-8706 or email clinic@valleyanimal.org to make an appointment.
Other Vaccine / Wellness Clinics
Petco Vaccination Clinics: Check website for dates, times, & locations: www.vetcoclinics.com
VIP Pet Care: Check website for dates, times, & locations. www.vippetcare.com
Telehealth Services
Vidaah Telehealth, Vidaah is a telehealth veterinary service that allows you to message and/or video chat with a licensed veterinarian 24/7/365. There are two plans available: Vidaah Chat is $7 monthly (or $60 annually), Vidaah Protect is $20 monthly (or $180 annually). Vidaah Protect Plan comes with a $3000 rapid relief fund for emergency care for your pet (available 14 days after signing up). Vidaah Website
Full-Service Veterinary Hospitals
Abby Pet Hospital, 4508 E. Ashlan, Fresno, 93726 (559) 442-1127 abbypethospital.com
Animal Hospital & Dental Clinic, 5169 N. Blackstone (559) 227-5575 theanimalhosp.com
Animal Medical Clinic, 111 W. Shields Ave (559) 227-3541 animalmedfresno.com
Armstrong Pet Hospital, 1710 Shaw Ave, Clovis, (559) 472-7065 https://armstrongpethospital.com/
Banfield Pet Hospital - financial assistance and payment plans available on case-by-case basis
Fresno - 3220 W Shaw Ave, Fresno, (559) 271-0437
Fresno North - 7512 N Blackstone Ave, Fresno, (559) 431-1582
Clovis - 470 Shaw Ave, Clovis,(559) 297-9350
Clovis North - 615 W Herndon Ave, Clovis, (559) 297-8005
Banfield Price Estimator: See how much services may cost in your area
Bullard Marks Veterinary Medical Center, 3098 W Bullard Ave, Fresno, (559) 432-0887 bullardmarksveterinarymedicalcenter.com
Care Veterinary Hospital, 8084 N Cedar, Fresno (559) 322-7100 careveterinaryhospital.com
Cedar Veterinary Hospital, 1602 N Cedar, Fresno (@McKinley) (559) 251-7141 cedarvethospital.com
Clovis Pet Hospital, 733 Hoblitt Ave, Clovis (559) 297-1222 clovispethospital.com
Companion Animal Hospital, 132 W Nees Ave Ste 114, Fresno (559) 432-1110 companionanimalhospitalfresno.com
Family Pet Hospital, 1455 Herndon, Clovis (559) 299-8387 fphclovis.com
Kings Canyon Veterinary Hospital & Foundation, 4696 E. Kings Canyon Road, Fresno (559) 251-8482 kingscanyonveterinaryfoundation.com
Kingsburg Veterinary Clinic, 1991 Simpson Street, Kingsburg (559) 897-4131 kingsburgvet.com
Maroa Track Pet Hospital, 2845 N. Maroa, Fresno (559) 492-3355 maroatrackpethospital.net
Palm Bluff Veterinary Hospital, 7425 N. Palm Bluffs, Suite 104, Fresno (559) 432-3300 www.palmbluffvet.com
Pamoist Pet Hospital, 5591 W. Shaw (Polk and Shaw), Fresno (559) 271-2400
Pet Medical Center (PMC), 621 W. Fallbrook, Fresno (Palm & Nees) petmedcenter.com
San Joaquin Veterinary Hospital, 4333 N. Blackstone Ave, Fresno (559) 227-3596 sanjoaquinveterinaryhospital.net
Selma Pet Clinic, 1843 W. Front St, Selma (559) 257-4570, selmapetclinic.com
Shield Stone Pet Hospital,1610 E. Shields, Fresno, 93704 (559) 222-2800 shieldstonepethospital.com
Sierra View Animal Hospital, 93 E. Sierra Ave, Fresno, (559) 432-1200 sierraviewanimalhospital.com
South County Veterinary Hospital, 1811 Whitson St, Selma (559) 896-8616
Sunnyside Pet Hospital, 6061 E. Kings Canyon Rd Suite 101, Fresno, (559) 251-2463 sunnysidepetca.com
Waterhouse Animal Hospital - two locations
1115 E. Champlain, Fresno (559) 434-4000
245 Bullard Ave, Clovis (559) 298-1900
Woodward Pet Hospital, 1119 E. Shaw Ave, Fresno, (559) 449-9595 woodwardpet.com
24/7 Pet Vets:
1639 N. Fresno St. (@ McKinley)
(559) 486-0520
Fresno Pet ER:
7375 N. Palm Bluffs (Palm & Alluvial)
(559) 437-3766
Fresno Veterinary Specialty & Emergency Center (FVSEC):
6606 N. Blackstone Ave (Blackstone & Herndon)
(559) 451-0800
Veterinary Assistance Programs
Care Credit: Ask if your veterinarian accepts Care Credit, a credit card specifically for health care expenses, including for pets.
Crowd-Funding Options:
Elder Paws “Pandora’s Fund”: Providing essential veterinarian care to senior (6+ years old) companion dogs of fixed income owners in the Central Valley. Email for more info elderpawsfoundation@yahoo.com or Click HERE for more info
Red Rover Relief: The RedRover Relief Urgent Care grant program provides financial assistance, resources, and emotional support for pet guardians struggling with economic hardship when pets are in life-threatening situations. The average grant is around $250. Click HERE to apply for RedRover Assistance
The Pet Fund: Pet Fund is a registered 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization that provides financial assistance to owners of domestic animals in the US who need veterinary care. The Pet Fund works ONLY on non-basic, non-urgent care (chronic conditions, cancer treatment, etc.). www.thepetfund.com/for-pet-owners | Email FIRST before applying to make sure you qualify: info@thepetfund.com
Bow Wow Buddies Foundation: The Bow Wow Buddies Foundation offers a second chance to sick and injured dogs in need by providing medical care funds (up to $2500) to dogs who are either homeless or whose parents cannot afford to pay their veterinary bills. Click HERE To Apply For Bow Wow Buddies Grant Assistance
Joshua Louis Animal Cancer Fund: Frankie's Friends is honored to partner with the Joshua Louis Animal Cancer Fund to help family owned pets diagnosed with cancer. JLACF was created to assist owners and families of pets who are in need of cancer treatment with a good prognosis to return to a normal quality of life. Click HERE To Apply For JLACF Assistance
Frankie’s Friends Fund: Frankie’s Friends provides financial assistance grants to family-owned pets in need of lifesaving emergency or specialty veterinary care whose caregivers cannot afford the full cost of treatment. Our programs are designed to help with the treatment of emergency and specialty medical conditions where the pet would otherwise suffer, be euthanized, or relinquished without proper veterinary care. Click Here To Apply For Frankie's Friends Fund Assistance
The Onyx and Breezy Foundation: This organization assists pets of individuals where medical hardship is present. To apply for grant funding, visit their website: www.onyxandbreezy.org
Diabetic Cats In Need: DCIN provides one-time assistance with certain insulins and other supplies to low-income cat caregivers. If you would like to apply, visit the website for instructions: Diabetic Cats In Need Website
Pets of the Homeless: POH assists unhoused individuals seeking assistance with emergency care for their pet. If your pet experiences illness or injury, please call 775-841-7463, M-F 9am – 3pm PST. A Case Managers will conduct an interview to see if you and your pet qualify for assistance through the Emergency Vet Care Program. If you are eligible, the Case Manager will approve an exam and help you make an appointment for your pet at a local hospital or clinic: Pets Of The Homeless Webite